7Pipe is proud to participate in Pride SF each year, starting last year 2016. The costumes are just incredible and the crowd is super duper into our Twisty line of products. After taking a look around, we believe that next year, we have to have a costume contest. It’s totally like Halloween out there! Here are some of the more awesome costumes:
This year, we showed off our newest product, the Twisty Glass Mini. People loved the steady, gentle hit, and many people took a Twisty Mini home to enjoy or gift. We must have smoked out more than four hundred people at Pride. It’s hard to keep so many mini glass blunts filled with flower! We have one guy just filling tubes all day long. Just check out these action shots:
Next year in 2018 Pride SF, look for 7Pipe again as we introduce another new product to our amazing lineup. If you want to enter our costume contest, just follow our Instagram or check our website to get our booth location.