This is the definitive guide on how to avoid buying counterfeit 7Pipe products. It turns out that packaging is a good way to tell real from fake. Please see the images below showing real 7Pipe packaging and the inner box design. We have also evolved as time goes by, so be sure to inspect your packaging carefully.

Twisty Glass Blunt Third Packaging Design
Twisty Glass Blunt Latest Packaging Design
Twisty Glass Mini Packaging Design
There are many good reasons to buy a product from the actual inventor of the product (7Pipe invented the Twisty); first, you know that the inventor company will protect their reputation by using the highest quality and safest materials. Counterfeiters have no reputation to protect, so they go for the largest profit by using the cheapest materials. In a smoking pipe, that means there’s a real safety risk to the consumer. Second, if you buy real, you are supporting the actual fountainhead of innovation, which means the fountainhead will likely sprout more awesome products. If you buy fake, you are supporting a copier, and the innovations may come to an end for lack of support.