
Fake Twisty Pipes Continue to Test High in Lead

by Jeffrey Han on Dec 12, 2018

Fake Twisty Pipes Continue to Test High in Lead

Hello 7pipe Fans,

As you may have seen, there are lots of counterfeit Twisty™ pipes out there. You were smart enough to buy from the inventor of the Twisty™, 7pipe. 

Our most recent lab tests show that 100% of counterfeit Twistys' are extremely high in LEAD! If your friends are thinking of buying a cheaper fake Twisty™, please forward these lab test results to them:  

The SCARY Results:
Glass Blunt Store: 26,014 ppm Lead
Glunt: 25,656 ppm Lead
Mig Vapor: 28,208 ppm Lead
GV Supply: 30,016 ppm Lead
Pot Luck Co: 27,859 ppm Lead

Anything under 100 ppm is considered safe to use according to CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) standards, which 7pipe is proud to abide by. Remember that cheap fakes also have a very thin electroplating layer, which means the lead is exposed quickly.  

At 7pipe, you can rest assured that we use only premium lead-free materials. To see more on 7pipe's safety standards, please visit our safety page at

Thank you, 

Jeffrey Han
Founder, 7pipe

1 comment

  • Liz
    Apr 18, 2019 at 09:12

    This is frightening. I bought one of the fakes unknowingly, until I got it and saw the caps are not silicone. Lead is frightening. I have tried, but cant seem to purchase spare parts for my original, which I L O V E


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