2018 marked the first year that High Times, AKA "Trans-High Corporation" took over the "Reggae on the River" show that was run for years by the Mateel Community Center. The weather was hot and reggae artists arrived from near and far.
7Pipe brought all our gear and set up camp for an epic three day event. One of the highlights of the event was the stage debut of the Super Twisty, AKA the "Budzooka". Don Carlos was finishing up his set when the 'fluffer' prepped the pipe for the Big Don. One large puff later, the Super Twisty worked its' magic and was shuttled offstage, mission completed!
This show is distinct in that kids and families are everywhere. Hence the "Bed Swing" that boys and girls clamored over. No cannabis stigma here; cannabis is a healing herb and a social sacrament at Reggae on the River.
7Pipe brought the goods and gave away hella swag!! As always, 7Pipe fans show up in force to enjoy free hits, free swag, and our show special $40 Twisty deal that comes with one free gram. Everyone loves to walk away a winner.
We saw our friends Slacktavis and Toker Poker. Yummy medicated iced soda and Bic sleeves for everyone! 7Pipe had a great time, as it was also our first time going to this show. The music was great, living amongst giant redwood trees for a few days is also no joke! Those things are massive. We saw a whole hotel carved inside a fallen-over redwood trunk. Enjoy the photos and see you guys next year!